May 9, 1.
Aug 29, Messages: Norway Can others edit my Photos: Photos OK to edit. This is my most recent edit. The only thing left now is carefully look for typos. Getting critique on your writing is like getting critique on your photos: The defensive position is easily persuasive essay on pro animal testing.
I have worked on this essay for five weeks, and weekly gotten invaluable feedback. Science Needs Animal-Testing Medical research benefits humans greatly.
Decades of medical studies has made several diseases click, such as diebetis, persuasive essay on pro animal testing, and malaria.
Moreover, medical research has prevented altogether diseases such as hepatitis A and B, measles, and poliomyelitis. Common for all these developments is animal-testing Quimby, While testing on animals is not morally ideal, we lack good alternatives.
Thus, abandoning animal-testing is premature, because medical research needs complex-system test-subjects, and persuasive essay absence of which can be risky for pharmaceutical consumers. Animal testing has helped develope new medicine. Persuasive essay pro animal testing pro animal testing all research in medicine awarded with the Nobel Prize have used animal-testing Foundation for Biomedical Research, nd.
One example of this is the polio-vaccine. En- ders's group's research on poliomyelitis, which used persuasive essay and monkeys, won the Nobel Prize inand is considered the breakthrough animal testing polio-research En- pro et al.
Later that decade, Sabin developed the oral polio-vaccine. Sabin states in a publication that, thus far, research has demanded circa human volunteers, monkeys, and chimpanzees in poliovirus-strain studies.
Because of extensive polio-research, many pro animal testing have been saved. WHO writes in fact sheet that the polio-vaccine has prevented 10 million people from paralizis and saved 1. Polio-research persuasive essay clearly benefitted humans massively, which animal-testing has helped achieve.
As well as having helped develop medicine, American history shows that animal- testing can reduce the risk of mass-poisoning as well.
Sulfanilamide was a drug used for streptococcal infections, existing persuasive essay on pro animal testing tablets or powder. Massen- gill Company of Bristol wanted to develop persuasive essay on pro animal persuasive essay on pro animal testing liquid preparate, and discovered that diethylene glycol had satisfactory chemical and physical poperties.
The company did no testing of what they called "Elixir Sulfanilamide" before persuasive essay on pro animal testing bution. Diethylene glycol is toxic unless treated, and patients died Wax, Had the drug been tested on animals, its toxicity would be observed, and deaths prevented.
Students writing essays on animal research can now celebrate. Understanding Animal Research, a UK not-for-profit which explains the role of animals in medical research, has produced a fantastic set of resources aimed at helping school and university students create well-referenced essays.
It's a common educational trend to write persuasive essays on the global problems which concern our society. Pros And Cons, the following information will help you. This theme is advantageous for students because there are different opinions on the matter.
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