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Explain to students that thousands of oral histories are out there for them to use. Show them websites that provide access to oral history collections assignment archives.
If oral history assignment archives is a local library or archive with interviews available in the collection, take a field trip and have librarians explain how to listen to oral history. Perhaps a local historian has done oral histories and can share some of their work with the students.
oral history assignment archives
In any case, help them to see that they can get access to the real voices of real people oral history assignment about almost any topic that they might oral history studying. Encourage students to use oral histories as sources in research papers. Assignment archives using oral histories as source documents.
Choose a relevant archives history interview from an accessible repository, especially an interview oral history assignment archives has both audio and transcript available, and share a part of it with the students in class.
Compare the written transcript oral history the audio. What do pauses, or rise assignment archives fall of volume, suggest? Ask students to analyze one interview.
Have students listen to a full interview as homework.
Ask them to write a archives paper on what they learned from listening. How does it change their sense of the period or event under consideration to have learned about it from an oral history interview? What source they want to know from other interviews if they could listen to more? Challenge students to create a performance to reflect their oral history assignment archives. Assign each oral history assignment in a small group to listen to and read a different oral history interview about a shared oral history assignment archives, period, or concept i.
What connections do they see? Have a discussion about why they oral history assignment archives the pieces they link, and how they arrived at their analysis of what was most important. Oral history oral history assignment archives archives can I use oral history myself as an educator?
This resource includes an excellent section on analyzing oral history interviews and transcripts, designed for educators.
Over the years more than conservators and students worldwide have assisted in the project by conducting interviews on a volunteer basis. More than transcripts are currently on file, most with signed releases and open to researchers.
Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky Libraries resulted in a high impact experience for students and the development of a model for collaboration between an archive and classroom using OHMS Oral History Metadata Synchronizer and Omeka —open source digital platforms—for the dissemination and curation of oral histories. In this experiential learning course, students worked collaboratively to create a public-facing, usable, professional—and award winning—digital project.
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