Thank you for applying to our program!
This program must include the courses or their equivalents at other institutions outlined on our Requirements page. Read below for details on the all of the items that are required for your application to be complete.
Follow optometry essay questions admissions essay questions instructions on the OptomCAS site optometry school admissions Submitting an incomplete application will put you at a disadvantage in the admissions review process.
Use the button below to access the application. All graduate students applying optometry school admissions essay questions Berkeley need to pay a supplemental fee.
If you have submitted your application already you will not receive instructions on how to pay the supplemental fee until November. If you submit your application on December 3, optometry school admissions essay questions 8: We require three letters of recommendation.
optometry school admissions essay questions The Letters of Recommendation are critical to your application. Therefore, for the application cycle, we will only accept OAT scores from tests taken from June 29, until December 3, Applicants are asked to provide responses to three essay topics. Please describe what inspires your decision for becoming an optometrist, including optometry school admissions essay questions preparation for training in this profession, your aptitude and motivation, the basis for your interest in optometry, and your future career goals.
With which one of these core values do you identify most? Provide an example when that value was challenged and exercised.
How will that core value help you persevere through your optometric studies and beyond? After viewing the TED talk, optometry school admissions essay questions share a time when you displayed grit and explain how your ability to be resilient will ensure optometry school admissions essay questions success in completing a answers to accounting homework textbooks four year optometric program.
In addition to academic preparation, the questions committee considers the experience you bring when conducting the holistic application review. Shadowing and optometry school experience are very beneficial — helping applicants to better understand their own fit within the profession, communicate that understanding with real-world examples, and demonstrate their commitment questions the field of optometry.
While there is no specific number of hours required for shadowing or optometric experience, applicants are encouraged to obtain as much as possible prior to applying. The admissions committee /student-essay-hell-exothermic.html considers experience beyond optometry related activities, recognizing that relevant and useful skills sets optometry questions admissions essay questions at the varied jobs, admissions essay, and volunteer positions that applicants may have optometry school admissions essay questions over the years.
Again, no set amount, minimum optometry school admissions essay questions maximum, of additional experience is required. For more information on what to expect after you apply, click the button below.
The deadline for Fall has passed. Your complete online application must be submitted to OptomCAS by 8: All the items listed above must be submitted by the deadline. About Us Toggle Why Berkeley?
The application process for a four-year optometry program is similar to that of many other graduate programs. The first step in applying to optometry school is finding out all the admissions requirements for each program to which you are applying. Expectations may vary from program to program.
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