Fellow applicants must be physicians, who are ABMS board certified or board eligible in a primary specialty medical school personal statement length vanderbilt. Board eligibility is typically obtained by successfully completing a residency program in the US or Canada.
Unfortunately we cannot accept applications from those who will not be Board certified or eligible. Applicants must be a United States citizen or have a United States permanent resident status.
Visas are not sponsored. The Clinical Informatics Fellowship will accept one 1 fellow per year with the first fellow to begin in July Medical school personal statement length vanderbilt application process will start in August Article source deadline to submit a completed application vanderbilt October medical school personal, Only fully completed applications will be considered.
Interested parties should 1 indicate their intent to apply to elisabeth.
Please click the following four questions, taking no more than two double-spaced pages in length total:. Describe the reasons why you are seeking to complete a two year fellowship in Clinical Informatics Explain why you want to be a fellow in the Vanderbilt program.
Describe your prior experiences in Clinical Medical school personal statement length vanderbilt vanderbilt related technical fields. Describe your research experience and interests in Clinical Informatics, and suggest a project idea medical school personal length that you would propose to work on as a fellow.
Copy of residency graduation certificate statement length letter from program director describing anticipated graduation. Three 3 Letters of recommendation on organization letterhead. Department of Biomedical Informatics.
Faculty Staff Trainees Alumni Contacts. Eligibility and Application Process.
Eligibility Fellow applicants must be physicians, who are ABMS board medical school personal statement length vanderbilt or board eligible in a primary specialty e. Program to which you are applying: Please address medical school personal statement length vanderbilt following four questions, taking no more than two double-spaced pages in length total:
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