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In Reply After the publication of our study identifying anaplastic lymphoma kinase ALK rearrangements in peritoneal mesothelioma, 1 we read the Letter by Kataoka et al with skepticism. Because both peritoneal mesothelioma and primary peritoneal carcinoma are rare intra-abdominal tumors, Kataoka et al wonder whether our 3 cases of ALK -rearranged peritoneal mesothelioma may represent misdiagnoses and are instead primary peritoneal carcinomas with ALK rearrangement.
Writing your medicine personal statement? You may be wondering how universities use your personal statement in the admissions process. Some universities, like Brighton and Sussex , do not use your personal statement in the selection process, whereas others, like Nottingham , use a scoring system — and others, like Imperial , will use it in your interview.
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