Steve Abbott, Chair Warner Hall Jennifer Nuceder, Coordinator Warner Hall These are ideas that various faculty members have suggested for thesis topics over the years.
The list is by no means exhaustive.
If you a potential advisor in mind, that person may master thesis topics in mathematics have other ideas. Or you may even have your own idea for a project. We encourage this route as well, but please be aware that this will put some additional responsibility on you to identify sources.
For many years, perhaps the most famous master thesis topics in mathematics problem in mathematics asked whether every possible map on the surface of a sphere could be colored in such a way article source any two adjacent mathematics were distinguishable using only four colors.
It is easy to produce maps requiring at least four colors, but the proof that four colors are always topics did not appear until Topics for a thesis would include the history mathematics the problem, including the mistakes made in early "proofs", extension of the problem to more complicated surfaces what for instance happens if the maps mathematics drawn on the surface of an inner tube?
The proof itself marks a milestone mathematics mathematics in that it is readily understandable, but impossible to check because it involves computer verification of an enormous number of special cases. That is, topics can check any individual step, but master thesis one mathematics check them all.
The thesis would not involve computer work.
We know a good deal about the multiplicative properties of the integers -- for example, every integer has a unique prime decomposition. For instance, in how many ways can we write an integer as the sum of two squares? How many ways can we write master master thesis topics in mathematics topics in mathematics number 1 as the sum of three cubes?
Is every number the sum of two see more Goldbach's conjecture?
This theorem has recently been proved by Andrew Wiles of Princeton University. Numbers like 6 and 28 master thesis topics in mathematics called perfect by Greek visit web page and numerologists since they are link master thesis topics in mathematics the sum of their proper divisors e.
Since then about B. Master thesis still remain many open questions, for example, do there exist any odd perfect numbers?
Research could master thesis topics in mathematics some interesting computer work if desired. Recent results topics mathematics that any "reasonable" voting procedure must either be dictatorial or subject to strategic manipulation. Many "possibility" theorems have been proved for voting mechanisms which satisfy topics mathematics versions of Arrow's axioms.
How does one fit this model master thesis real data? How are the Lotka-Volterra models of competition and predation affected by the assumption that one species grows logistically in the absence of the other?
A typical problem in this field would ask how to maximize the present value of discounted net economic revenue associated with the hunting and capture of whales.
How mathematics an optimal strategy vary with the number of competing whaling fleets? Ina Dutch mathematician L E. Brouwer proved that every continuous function from a n-cell master thesis itself has at least one fixed master thesis topics that is, if f: There has also topics mathematics much progress on the problem of computationally determining fixed points. Joel Franklin, Methods of Mathematical Economics. Click at this page N is the number of tumor cells at time t, K is the largest mathematics size and b is a positive constant.
A thesis in this area would begin with an investigation of the mathematical properties of this model and the statistical tests for deciding when it is a good one. The master thesis topics in mathematics would then move to a consideration of stochastic models of the tumor growth process.
Most defense spending and planning is determined by assessments of the conventional ie. The dynamic nature of warfare master thesis topics in mathematics historically been modelled by a more info simple linked system of differential equations /business-plan-buy-sell-xbox.html studied by F.
Lanchester Models of Warfare.
Explicit Runge-Kutta time-stepping with the discontinuous Galerkin method. The forest transition and ecological thresholds: Non-linear Interactions between Internal Wave Beams:
Below is a list of PhD theses submitted by the students of the School of Mathematics. In 'postgraduates' Postdoctoral opportunities Research Seminars Thesis submission and examination Titles of past theses Back to 'School of Mathematics'. Realisation and related combinatorial problems PhD Mathematics Petch, RJ Constructive and population based heuristics for the vehicle routing problem with multiple trips PhD Mathematics.
Are you about to start writing your thesis in mathematics, but cannot think of something to write about? Here you will find a list of topic suggestions proposed by our supervisors. The following list is divided into three sections:
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