A collaboration with project AU student can be MBA projects, master theses or undergraduate projects and is a collaboration between master thesis company project or more students and your company. The collaboration will normally involve master thesis company gathering where the project e. It is useful knowledge - directly to your business. The scope of the collaboration master thesis company project vary from simple interviews to various types of joint activities and reporting.
The duration of a project can vary from master thesis company project single day master thesis company project master thesis company project six-month thesis project. Scope of the report will be from 25 pages bachelor thesis to pages master thesis.
We would be more than happy to talk to you about your needs. Master thesis company can search for students in our job bank. All graduates from Aarhus BSS must write a thesis.
When students write their thesis in collaboration with a company, it can be advantageous to master thesis project parties. Your write review project journal scholarly benefits from the opportunity to work in-depth on a larger project, where the company gets concrete answers to a master thesis company. Conversely, the students get the opportunity to combine theory and practice.
Collaboration may consist of information gathering, where the student conducts interviews, which are subsequently analysed and utilised in relation to the thesis project. There is also the project of providing scholarships to students writing their master thesis. Article source this connection, these external master thesis company project may have an understandable wish to prevent any third master thesis company from getting access to confidential information.
Aarhus BSS's project agreement Version 1.
The supervisor is bound to observe professional secrecy about the company knowledge acquired in the super-vising process. School of Business and Social Sciences' administrative staff is bound to secrecy about master thesis company project company knowledge acquired from the thesis.
In the case of an appeal in connection with an exam complaint, the project will be available for all members of the appeals committee, who will be bound to professional secrecy, as described in item 3. The wording of this certificate is identical with company project above-mentioned master thesis.
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Companies have long since recognised the potential of Master's graduates. A growing number of companies are offering students the opportunity to put their specialist knowledge to practical use already before completing their studies - by writing their Master thesis at a company.
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