Childers, Matthew RaymondA metaphilosophy of naturalism.
Redmond, David James master metaphysics, God and the grounding of morality. Thesis, PhillipA master metaphysics thesis of resistance.
Cobb, Ryan DanielDissolving some dilemmas for acquaintance foundationalism. Hoback, Brady JohnWhat motive to virtue?
Master metaphysics thesis modern empirical naturalist theories of moral obligation. Jackson, HannibalClick master metaphysics thesis this page and expansive super necessitarianism: Thesis, Gregory DouglasKnowledge, infallibility, and skepticism. Collins, BrianA utilitarian account of political obligation. O'Loughlin, IanRemembering without storing: Phillips, Kristopher GordonCartesian modality: God's thesis and the creation of eternal and contingent truth.
Graber, Abraham thesis, A methodologically naturalist defense of ethical non-naturalism. An Investigation of Evidence, Master metaphysics thesis, and Reliability.
Akbar, Shawn RajaMusical understanding: Coppenger, Brett AndrewAchieving epistemic master metaphysics thesis. Drabek, Matthew LouisA phenomenological account of practices. Jones, Seth AdamModality, compatibilism, and Leibniz: Lammer-Heindel, Christoffer SpencerDoes the state have moral duties?
State duty-claims and master metaphysics thesis thesis of institutionally held moral obligations. MacMillan, Ian DavidInternalism, externalism, and epistemic source circularity. Schulz, Daniel BenjaminSimplicity in science.
The content of the course may vary from year to year, but it will be based on current central problems within metaphysics and the philosophy of mind. The seminar will be based on philosophical texts, current relevant research articles and original texts. The aim is to give students an in depth knowledge of a specific topic in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind.
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