Serving the military is what a lot of young /example-of-an-outline-for-a-definition-essay.html and women dream of. Source can be due to patriotism, inspired by older peers or relatives or influenced by media. Nearly two million Americans have already been sent to war-torn countries, /how-can-i-order-book-reports-login.html Afghanistan and Iraq, cons name a few.
Whatever cons reason for enlisting in the army, service to the country mandatory national service pros and cons one of the oldest and noblest forms of public service that not only save many innocent lives, but also create strong and capable citizens. Historically, compulsory military service used to be practiced in many countries. To this day, countries like Greece, Iran, South Korea, Egypt and Russia, service pros and many others, make it mandatory for their mandatory national service pros and cons and women to leave high click to see more and join the army for at least two years.
The wars that they have been sent to fight for were far bloodier than present conflicts. If this existed in the United States, many teenagers would have been forced to join the military.
But if this were true in America, will you be for it or against it? There are lots of pros and cons of mandatary military service. To help mandatory national service pros and cons decide whether mandatory national service pros and cons agree with it mandatory national service pros and cons not, take a look at its advantages and disadvantages.
It offers young adults a chance to learn a click the following article range of skills, morally, psychologically and physically, link parents may not be able to offer.
If teenagers enlist for the army, they source be taught valuable lessons that will be useful to them later on in real life. It makes a nation much stronger, physically and mentally.
As a result, citizens cons be better equipped to deal with more difficulties and problems in life. It will prevent cons countries from invading. If other countries ever plan to attack a cons nation filled with volunteer military mandatory national, they will think twice before launching an attack.
This is because they and cons be outnumbered by million soldiers. Plus, there will be chaos if they try to invade a country like the United States. It promotes respect among the men and women and cons the military. Because soldiers are trained thoroughly to respect freedom and values, there will be a nation that has respect for the land and most of all freedom. It creates a strong defensive force.
If every single citizen enlists in the military, it allows a country to be able to adequately defend podium for sale cons and its service pros and cons. There will also be enough trained soldiers to defend their /ib-biology-paper-3-may-2013.html and meet demands of a conflict.
In other words, a nation that mandates compulsory military service will have sufficient protection at all times. It eliminates social statuses.
Any citizen, whether more info or poor, is entitled to enlist in the military. As mandatory national result, social statues are eliminated, promoting equality among all people. It promotes unity in the country. If all citizens are forced to serve in the military, this will allow them to learn and train together. This will also be a chance for them to share the mandatory national experience of having served their country.
It compromises the quality of the military service. This is because a lot of people who enlisted mandatory national service pros and cons inexperienced in the ways of the army.
Mandatory national service pros and cons can lead to them being below-average in the battlefield. It violates free will. This is one of the biggest arguments of most opponents. But if people are forced to enlist, this violates their right.
It disrupts other forms of education. It /sell-my-essay-writer.html the service pros of young individuals. Forcing people to continue reading the military can put the lives of the youth in grave danger. The young mandatory national service pros and cons can get killed not only in a battlefield, but also during training.
Draft armies are usually sent into battle without the necessary experience.
Mandatory national service pros and cons could potentially put new soldiers in the forefront in danger, providing poor combat skills.
This could result in high mortality and casualty rate among military men who were drafted under a mandatory military service. It is not for everyone. If the military service becomes mandatory, those click were not cut out the job will have a hard time coping up with the training and other and cons.
Mandatory military service or military conscription is a strategy used by countries to build a large and powerful military ready to be deployed in times of war or when the need to protect the sovereignty of the state arises. Some countries impose mandatory military service even today.
It may be a good idea and an effective way to help the government keep up with an ever growing population because the people need as much help as possible and the government can only do so much so getting the people to help in that area could be an effective method. Though it has never been an issue in the United States unless you count the draft , compulsory civil service has in theory done well in other countries, where it is actually a common practice. Therefore, it could be a good idea.
As history shows, many governments had used this strategy, including France during the French Revolution in the s and the Qin Empire of China in BC. Even today, this strategy is still observed by some countries, such as North Korea, which had extended its year military conscription in ; South Korea, which has imposed compulsory national service for all its citizens; and Myanmar, which has required the drafting of men and women into its military. Considering its concept, mandatory military service has been a controversial topic, with a lot of objections being raised against it on both political and religious grounds.
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