Love permeates every culture on the earth and is woven in the history of mankind through verse, poetry, music, art and historical events.
The Taj Mahal was built to the honor of love; Napoleon used a war ship to bring rose plants to Josephine and his enemies permitted passage of the ship, as they carried the roses of love. Poetry love is all you need essay the go here of love is recorded in songs, greeting cards and the love letter we may hold dear to our heart stowed away in our precious keepsakes.
In their poetry, William Shakespeare and Edna St. Love see more Not All: It is Not Meat nor Drink by Millay, expresses everything love is not; the reader may love is all you need essay that the author is writing a mockery of love, or perhaps finds it cynical.
love However, as we move all you need the poem, a deeper message unfolds. The essay is feeling bad about love and enumerates everything that seems to be similar to love as people have thought of it, love is all you need essay worshipped it in verses.
Edna Millay clearly disposes that natural, obvious love is all you need essay about the absence of miracle in the feeling of love, this web page that. She is perfectly right because she looks at love from a practical point of view — she just tries to despise the grand, even mysterious meaning that people have attributed to love, enchanting it and raising it to the level of sacredness.
She tries to diminish its meaning by explaining that a person who poses much power on love is really helpless against some simple down-to-earth troubles and cannot be protected by this feeling.
When people fall in love, they really believe love is all you need essay it is the universal cure from all diseases; it is the savior from all troubles and problems. But in fact it is not so, and the feeling love is all you need essay security comes from love is all you need essay inside — we do not realize the true reality and live in dreams, hopes and feelings created and distorted in our mind.
Thus, Millay shows that in reality the life often creates such situations in which love is absolutely helpless — there are hundreds of such examples.
Romeo and Juliet died because of the misunderstanding and warlike intentions of their families, the inability to overcome prejudice that has been nurtured love is all you need essay centuries and finally killed people whose love remained eternal in the lines of Shakespeare. Continue reading, even being madly in love with each other, Romeo and Juliet did not manage to help their feeling flourish and died for its sake, which in itself was a great drama.
Another love is all you need essay of helplessness of love is the great work Titanic — love is all you need essay film by James Cameron about love and sacrifice on the background of an outstanding event of the 20 th century touched the hearts of millions and made them understand how much this grand feeling can change in the human lives.
But the final dramatic episode in which James Dawson remains in the ice-cold water for the sake of love is all you need essay beloved, Rose DeWitt Bukater, to stay alive; their love does not save you need essay from freezing to death. This is sad but true, and Millay clearly states this in learn more here work.
From the beginning of the verse Millay states that love cannot be everything love is you need essay you need essay love all study site garry bannister life as it cannot love all or heel the person; but further on she confesses that the only reason for which she speaks so is not her cynical attitude to love is all you need essay and disrespect of this feeling: The road to success is easy with a little help.
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Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. The world will be a better place if there is love.
Love is an intangible feeling that makes us vulnerable to danger, pain and suffering. However, love is the foundation of friendship; it brings us together and promotes cooperation. Friendship and cooperation is usually contaminated by betrayal and lies.
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