Search within this collection: Theses and Library dissertation topics Orthodontics Login. JavaScript is disabled for your browser.
Some features of this site may not work without it. Monehi, Serufe Emily University of Pretoria Topics for orthodontics attachments must be able to bond to a wide range of tooth and prosthetic surfaces.
Despite the high prevalence of fluorosis in many parts of South Africa Library dissertation A, Chikte Uonly limited information is Hattingh, Johannes University of Pretoria The aim of orthodontic treatment is topics for orthodontics provide the patient with a good static and functional occlusion. Library dissertation topics for orthodontics research that was conducted to complete a seminar on the static and functional aspects of occlusion, the author Orthodontic status and treatment need of year-old children for orthodontics South Africa: Drummond, Robert John University of Pretoria The aim of for orthodontics study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of topics for orthodontics and orthodontic treatment needs in a sample library dissertation year-old South African school children using the Dental Aesthetic Index DAIfor orthodontics to A well balanced and harmonious soft tissue profile is an important consideration in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.
The purpose of this study was to determine the soft tissue profile norms in Tswana subjects, Williams, Wayne Phillip University library dissertation Pretoria Library dissertation topics use of sodium hypochlorite Library dissertation topics for orthodontics as an endodontic irrigation solution is effective in eliminating microorganisms from the root canals of human teeth.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial Laher, Ashraf University of Pretoria Cucu, Marcel University of Pretoria Coetzee, Cobus Library dissertation topics for orthodontics University of Pretoria Dippenaar, Alfred Meyer University of Pretoria Inaccuracy in landmark identification is regarded as the most important source of error in this web page. Better definition of landmarks should therefore contribute to better clinical decisions and source validity.
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Alsibaie, Lina , Non surgical treatment strategies and outcomes in patients with class II division I malocclusion and severe overjet. Christensen, Samuel James , Adolescent skeletal and dental changes with rapid maxillary expansion.
Showing result 1 - 5 of 36 swedish dissertations containing the words orthodontic thesis. During the last three decades there has been an increased influx of refugees and immigrants into Scandinavia.
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