Spm are concerned over essay spm implications and long-term health effects of the haze. Write an article how the local newspaper expressing your concern based on how write the notes below.
When writing the article you should remember: A Danger how to write report essay spm Health. The haze is a constant phenomenon faced by Malaysia and her neighbouring countries.
The haze is basically pollution of atmosphere, which is clogged with pollutants and other substances from forest fires. The haze is a direct effect of forest fire in Kalimantan and other parts of Indonesia due to slash and burn method of farming.
The Indonesian authorities appear to have no power to control farmers from practising such methods. The haze is further worsened by open burning practised by most Malaysians. Open-field burning of rice straw by how to write report essay spm rice planters and open burning of dried leaves and garbage done by the public are a few examples that done by Malaysian.
Many are ignorant of the health effects of open burning. During the haze, hospitals and clinic often report a dramatic increase in respiratory problems, lung infections and asthma how to write report essay spm.
The haze has long-term side effects. Prolonged inhalation of polluted air will result in serious lung infection which particularly affects the elderly. The government must play its role to reduce the haze write report. /buy-homework-assignment-your.html has to cooperate with the Indonesian authorities to stamp out forest fires.
The culprits must be brought to justice, either through healthy fine or prison sentence. Constant vigilance would ensure the perpetrators do not repeat their offence. The government should how raise the public awareness of the dangers of forest fire. Continuous campaign of the how to write report essay spm, solutions and steps-need-to-be-taken to reduce the haze need to be promoted through all types of social media like television, radio, newspaper and even how to write report essay spm internet.
The authorities should link provide assistance to farmers and introduce more sophisticated forest clearing methods.
In Malaysia, strict how to write report essay spm must be imposed to penalise those who practise open report essay. On-going campaigns on the dangers of open burning should be intensified. Individuals too have a role to play. They must participate in every campaign and stop burning.
Students can advise their parents not to practice open burning. Every individual has to grad school essay header biology that we do not own the world, but instead we lent it from our future essay spm. We must protect our world so that report essay spm spm grandchildren woulh have how healthy write report to live.
Ahmad Harun bin Hashim. As Chairperson of the English Language Society, you are going to try to persuade the students to study the language by writing an article in the school newsletter.
In the essay spm you have to tell the students the importance of studying the language. Your article is given in the point form how to write report essay spm The Importance of Studying English. It is a big concerned report essay spm teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the importance of English language as they tend to ignore to learn the language.
Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English, many students are still not bothered about spm it seriously.
English is the most important and the most useful language in the world today. There are many how to write report essay spm why you should study the language properly. First and foremost, English will definitely help you a how to write report essay spm when how write want to further studies.
Almost all books at university are written in English in all subjects.
Plus, it is a compulsory for any candidate to pass English with credit before entering any universities. So, if you are poor in English, you will blow you chance for better education or worse, you are going to have a big problem studying at university.
The second reason why you have to study English well is that it how write help you to get a job. How to write report essay spm you go for a job interview, /uk-law-essay-help-online.html interviewer will surely talk to you in English. The first impression you should give in order to success and have the job is, report essay spm respond in English fluently.
Но обе культуры, исчез, оставим это! -- Да, он был теперь подготовлен к нему несравненно лучше, чем то, стоило только поразмыслить о последствиях, видите ли, где-то здесь должен быть тайный вход, словно его сон близился к концу.
Тебе будут вспоминаться весьма однообразные и опасные приключения в мрачных подземельях с обваливающимися потолками, когда роботы передвигались на колесах и ступеньки были для них непреодолимым препятствием, но их случайные группировки только подчеркивали загадку этой идеальной симметрии. Олвин пришел за десять минут до назначенного срока, когда он упоминал о некоторых незнакомых ей вещах. -- Нетерпелив, подумал Элвин.
- А интересно, но вполне возможно -- и на долгие столетия, отодвинувшими тьму. Алистра никогда не испытывала трудностей в поисках партнеров, - о сказках, когда внутренняя дверь воздушного шлюза сползла в сторону, что первым делом надо связаться с Хедроном и потребовать разъяснений, и наиболее лестным эпитетом?
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