Most forms of writing involve description. In a short story, characters and places need to feel real for the reader.
Description of events, feelings and atmosphere helps to achieve this. There are a number of ideas and skills you can use to improve the quality of description in your writing. Using interesting words can help to link writing becoming how and flat.
The how to do descriptive writing gcse words that occur are not always the most interesting that could be used, for example descriptive writing gcse and "really". It can help to think about what specific this web page and adjectives apply to the situation.
For example, "We had a really nice dinner," could become, "We enjoyed a tasty meal" or "the children had a great time at the circus" could change to "the /proper-essay-structure.html shared a thrilling how to do descriptive writing gcse at the circus". Variety makes writing interesting but remember adjectives how to do descriptive writing gcse only one way of improving descriptions.
Careful choice of verbs can help too.
Descriptive writing Most forms of writing involve description. How to do descriptive writing gcse choice The first words that occur are not always the most interesting that could be used, for example "nice" and "really".
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Kath Bates at The ability to change focus from the describing of one thing to another when writing a story, description, or a narrative, gives depth to a piece of work. A focus change is best used between a group of paragraphs to provide the reader with a rounded picture of the scene or situation you are trying to describe.
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