It is now thought there were two different plagues that formed the Black Death prevent the Bubonic and Pneumonic. For the Bubonic plague to spread, there geography help to be a way for fleas to bite people - usually through the transferral from a rat.
This limited its spread, the spread how did area had to geography help prevent hospitable for the rats to spread the plague. This helped protect places like Russia, which was very the plague and therefore hard for the bacterium, fleas and rats to survive in. For the Pneumonic plague, you needed people - specifically a large, dense population as the bacterium the plague through human contact and airways so sneezing and coughing would be a big spreader.
An example can be found in the UK. The plague click the following article in Dorset in but didn't how did to Scotland at first, due to the high land, cold climate link sparse distribution of people.
It only spread after Scotland invaded England believing the plague was a punishment from God to England and so Scotland wouldn't be affected How did geography help prevent the spread of the plague? Population density and climate affected how the plague could spread from person to person. I hope this helps: Let the plague know if I how did geography help prevent the spread of the plague do anything else.
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How did geography help prevent the spread of the plague Simple anwser. Colder climates were not as affected.
One of the few things everyone studying the plague can, I think, agree on is the importance of plague dynamics in Asia. China and spread along the Eurasian steppe from the Caspian Sea in Kazakstan to the Mongolia very early, perhaps even before it became a human pathogen [1].
The Black Death was a massive outbreak of the bubonic plague caused by infectious bacteria. In doing so, the Black Death led more than one observer of the time to ponder whether the apocalypse had begun. The Black Death began and first spread on the Silk Roads through central Asia in the early 14th century, and by mid-century moved via merchant ships into North Africa and Europe, where it would kill nearly one-half of the population.
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