Glossary Lessons Problems Contact. X is glad to provide video presentations of hundreds of trigonometry glossary terms. The trigonometry glossary is part of a complete math glossary available free of charge on the homework help dictionary trigonometry.
All trigonometry glossary terms are provided free of charge to all users. Given the number that represents the cosine of an angle, the arccosine homework help dictionary trigonometry the number returns the angle whose cosine is the given number. Arccot The inverse cotangent. Given the number that represents the cotangent of an /love-research-papers.html, visit web page arccotangent of the number homework help dictionary the angle whose cotangent is the given number.
Arccsc The inverse cosecant. Given homework help dictionary trigonometry number that represents the cosecant of an angle, the arccosecant of homework help dictionary trigonometry number returns the angle whose cosecant is the given number. Arcsec Homework help dictionary trigonometry inverse secant. Given the number that represents the secant of an angle, the trigonometry of the number returns the angle whose secant is the given number.
homework help Arcsin The inverse sine. Given the number that represents the sine of an angle, the arcsine of dictionary trigonometry number returns the angle /cv-writing-service-wakefield-nh.html sine is the given number.
Arctan The inverse tangent. Given the number that represents the tangent of dictionary trigonometry angle, the arctangent of the number returns the angle whose tangent is the given number.
Argument of a Vector The angle at which a vector is directed. ASTC Homework help dictionary trigonometry device for remembering which trig functions are positive in the four Cartesian quadrants.
Bearing The direction of a vector can be a heading or a bearing. Heading implies movement along a compass direction. Bearing implies a writing homework help dictionary trigonometry dissertation data analysis compass direction.
Beta Beta is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. Catenary Curve The homework help dictionary trigonometry formed by hanging a rope or chain between two posts is a Catenary Curve. Its math function is that of the hyperbolic cosine function.
dictionary trigonometry Circular Functions Circular Functions are based on the properties of circles, which are plane dictionary trigonometry where every point on the trigonometry is equidistant from a trigonometry point. Cofunctions Each of the six basic trigonometric functions have a cofunction. Their names tell the story: Cosecant One of the six basic trig homework help, the Cosecant function is the reciprocal of the sine function, and the continue reading of the secant.
Cosine One of the six basic trig functions, the Cosine is the cofunction of the sine function and the reciprocal of the secant function. In a right triangle dictionary trigonometry cosine of an angle is the ratio of the adjacent homework help to the hypotenuse.
Cotangent One of the six /enable-custom-stylesheet-thesis-statement.html trig function, Cotangent is both the reciprocal trigonometry and the cofunction of the tangent function.
For a right triangle, the Cotangent of an homework help dictionary trigonometry is the ratio of trigonometry side to the opposite. DeMoivre's Theorem This theorem allows quick calculations of powers and roots of complex numbers expressed in trigonometric form. Euler's Formula Complex Euler's Formula for complex trigonometry expresses a complex number in trigonometric form. For any polyhedron, the homework help dictionary trigonometry of /order-resume-online-invitations-design.html minus the number homework help dictionary trigonometry edges plus the number of faces equals two.
Gamma Gamma is the third letter trigonometry the Greek alphabet. Great Circle Basically, any circle that resides on a sphere is a Great Circle.
Greek Anyone interested in learning mathematics should visit web page the Greek alphabet with 24 letters from alpha to omega. Harmonic A small integral multiple or divisor of a waveform homework help dictionary a harmonic. Heading Quite similar to bearing, Heading is a dictionary trigonometry direction that homework help dictionary motion.
Homework help Formula A wonderful little recipe algorithm for finding the area of a triangle homework help dictionary trigonometry homework help dictionary are known and the altitude is not known, the formula is best expressed with a semiperimeter.
Horizontal Horizontal comes from orientation like the horizon; parallel to the "flat" surface of the earth; perpendicular to vertical.
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