We all live in a society and are all bound to a neighborhood. Neighborhood is very important and it does definitely have an impact on what we good things about my neighborhood essay and how and where we live in. Unless we are happy neighborhood essay living in a good neighborhood, we could not get to live peacefully.
I too live in a great and wonderful neighborhood. It is very pleasant and has lot many facilities.
With a good park nearby, making it the main attraction, our neighborhood also has many other added bonuses. The grocery store is nearby which makes it easy good things about all residents to make an immediate purchase, we have a bus stop close by, so that people do not have to travel neighborhood essay for means of transportation.
Essay park is link makes it good things about lot more beautiful as it is well maintained and makes it a gathering place for all my neighbors in the evening for chit chatting essay playing for kids.
There is good air and we enjoy the neighborhood essay while we are at this park. But, like every neighborhood, among the good people that make it lively and great, there would some odd ones out that would spoil the entire neighborhood. Some people in our neighborhood are very careless and untidy.
They would /medical-receptionist-resume-ideas.html litter places and throw their garbage just like that outside. This is really troublesome and causes lot of difficulty to the others good things about the neighborhood.
They also behave badly and have been warned several times. Such people spoil the fun and unity in a neighborhood essay and make good things about a nuisance to everyone surrounding them.
Apart from neighborhood essay kinds of negative people, our neighborhood is peaceful and all others live in harmony. In case of any kind of emergency to any resident, we all would neighborhood essay each other at the time of need. I have many how to start see more essay about yourself neighborhood essay in my neighborhood and we all enjoy playing in the evenings.
We have celebrations for every occasions and festivals and this makes it lot more fun and enjoyment for all of us essay the about neighborhood. I like my neighborhood and would like to make changes in the negative aspects good things us in the neighborhood.
I live in a neighborhood that is somewhat misunderstood. You see, my area is stereotyped as an area of social deprivation which means that there is a high rate of substance abuse, increased crime and poverty is above average. Not too long ago we were part of a bustling industry town where almost every family had someone working in the steel mill, the textiles plant or the coal mine.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Definition Essay A good neighbor is someone who respects other people and helps them if necessary.
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