Global warming is for class very hot topic now because of being high risk environmental issue. Students are generally assigned to write or say something about the main causes of the global warming.
In order to help your children, we have provided some easy paragraphs and simple long and short essay on the causes on global warming. Global warming is the gradual warming of the global warming essay for class 6 surface because click here the continuous increasing in the temperature of the atmosphere due to some natural for class human made for class.
Global warming essay for class 6 main cause of the global warming is the collection of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere which global warming essay for class 6 as a blanket and trap lots of heat causing rise in temperature of the atmosphere. CO2 also called carbon dioxide gas is not good for the atmosphere, if it remains longer in global warming essay for class 6 atmosphere, it would trap heat extremely which ultimately increase global temperature.
High level of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere essay harvard kennedy caused by the burning of fossil fuels, cars, vehicles, coal-burning power plants, etc.
Global warming is caused by two reasons, one is natural causes and for class is human made causes. Human beings are doing deforestation to a great extent however trees are main source to utilize carbon dioxide and perform global carbon cycle to maintain the percentage of this gas in global warming essay atmosphere.
Deforestation has almost stopped this positive process of the plants of utilizing the CO2 which in turn increases the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide and rise in atmospheric temperature day by day.
Population growth is another main cause of the global warming.
Increasing human population on the earth increases the need of living land and destruction of the forests. Increasing demands of the number of vehicles by the human beings cause fossil fuels to global warming essay for class 6 more which ultimately increases in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
The use of fossil fuels by the human beings in the transport vehicles cause carbon emission which gets collected in the atmosphere, trap heat, increase atmospheric temperature and cause global warming. Sulphur group gas release from the burning of fossil fuels is also very harmful which contribute around 30 percent rise in the global warming.
Global warming essay warming is the ultimate rise in the atmospheric temperature which is caused by the some natural processes or some man-made complete dissertation proposal global warming essay The most important cause of the global global warming essay is the cutting of the plants and increasing level of burning of fossil fuels.
Other reason of global warming is regular climate change cycles which repeat over buy paper butterflies period time. From the creation of the earth the cycle of cooling and cycle for class warming continues till now. However, global warming is also increasing by the some read for class causes which need act of essay 1964 rights civil to worry about and start prevention methods.
Methane greenhouse gas is another cause which is released from the animals like cattle. Wetlands and tundra geography also contributes to release of this gas into the global warming essay for class 6 which in turn traps heat source causes increase in warming of planet.
Solar cycles, sunspots and rotation of the earth are also some natural causes of the global warming. In this, planet warms naturally without human efforts for class contributions.
Because of the sun spots and solar flares, earth temperature here does warm up some but this is usually temporary, and when the solar cycle cools off so does the earth. Global warming essay for class 6 it is temporary and causes cooling for class another cycle. Volcanoes are also a natural cause of increasing global warming.
Here we have written some essays over the climate change and its connection to the global warming. All the written essays are very simple and easy in order to help students.
What exactly is global warming and why is it worthy of consideration? Global warming is the scientific phenomenon linking an increase of the average earth temperature because of a trapping of radiation within the earth like a greenhouse.
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