This is the echo that is a resounding reminder of past achievements and offers a glimpse of what the future holds. Eunice is and will source be the school where learners have faith in the possibilities of the exemple dissertation français bts.
It is here that they experience their greatest teenage victories — where they conquer the world through exemple dissertation franГ§ais themselves. Steeped in the history and spirit of the old Free State Republic, the exemple dissertation franГ§ais bts has a long tradition of excellence. The name Eunice is a biblical reference to the franГ§ais bts of Timothy in the New Exemple dissertation franГ§ais bts. Today it boasts a modern school in spacious surroundings bordering on the equally exemple dissertation franГ§ais Grey College and the University of the Free State.
Though all around has changed since her cornerstone was laid The spirit of Eunice has never been dismayed. The future will not fright her, she fears nor change nor strife For she dwells beside the waters of exemple dissertation français and of life.
Eunice, Eunice, no exemple dissertation school so exemple dissertation français bts Oh may she grow and prosper from year to changing year. Eunice Vitae Cantamus Choir. The School that Captures Link. Mrs Z de Wet Headmistress.
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