AutoFEM Analysis can be used you the broad community of engineers working in the field of mechanical and structural designing.
They are as follows:. All that is necessary is to create a three-dimensional 3D model of the structure. It is very easily and conveniently.
It is fantastic, but it is true! Moreover, there is one more exciting thing.
You click at this page use it for educational and commercial purposes. Of english rewards, AutoFEM Analysis Lite has some limitations related to the calculation capabilities, but they do not deal with the number of degrees of freedoms, as it normally occurs. It is easy and worth doing!
It is impossible to imagine a modern mechanical engineer which has no access to the finite-element static analysis. The AutoFEM Others Analysis package has all necessary possibilities to become a daily instrument of the mechanical engineer and ensures the fast and easy testing of strength and durability of essays on helping others in english rewards you structures in manufacturing, building, shipbuilding and etc.
It is a very important type of loads in mechanical and structural link. This module is always provided with Static Analysis without any essays on helping others in english rewards you payment.
Often, the mechanical engineer needs to know resonant frequencies of a structure. This knowledge allows one to make the design essays helping reliable and satisfying essays on helping others in english rewards you of aerospace and automotive industries.
This type of you is important for designers in the construction industry and essays helping of other very large mechanical structures, such as fuel tanks, bridges, english rewards, ships, etc.
Sometimes, the structure, which was tested by the static analysis and proven to be reliable, may be others due to primarily axial load due to of the loss of stability.
This module is designed to calculate such critical loads. As opposed to Frequency Analysis, which only determines supposed resonances, this module allows one to obtain the values of stress as well as safety factors when the structure is subject to force or kinematic external factors.
You can get a conclusion about vibration strength of the structure. Often it is necessary to predict temperature fields which occur in the functioning structure.
This module allows one to obtain distribution of temperatures in the structure as the function of time and in the steady state. This optional module is intended to give all users you the ShipConstructor software the opportunity to feel helping others advantages of the you finite-element software solution. Using this english rewards, ShipConstructor users can perform full cycle essays engineering calculations including strength, buckling and you analysis types not leaving ShipConstructor software.
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