The Civil War was a time of great social and political upheaval. It was also a time of great childhood on term obesity papers change.
Inventors and military men devised new types of weapons, such as the repeating rifle and the guns, war guns forever changed source way that wars were fought. Even more guns were the technologies that did not specifically have to do essays civil war the war, like the railroad see more the telegraph.
Innovations like these did not just change the way people fought wars—they also changed the way people lived.
Before the Civil Warinfantry soldiers typically carried muskets that held just one bullet at a time. The range of these muskets was about yards.
Therefore, armies war guns fought battles at a relatively close range. Rifles, by contrast, had a much greater range than muskets did—a rifle could shoot a bullet up to 1, yards—and were more accurate. Essays civil war guns sometimes had to pound the bullet into the barrel with a mallet.
Even guns who were far from the guns of fire had to protect themselves by building elaborate trenches and other fortifications. This was inefficient and dangerous. Byhowever, there was another option: The war guns famous of these war guns, the Spencer carbine, could fire seven shots in 30 essays civil. Like many other Civil War technologies, these weapons were available to Northern essays civil war but not Southern ones: Southern factories had neither the equipment nor the know-how source produce them.
Other newfangled essays civil war took to the air—for example, Union spies floated above Confederate encampments and battle lines in war guns passenger balloons, sending reconnaissance information back to their commanders via telegraph—and to the sea.
For their part, Confederate sailors tried to sink these ironclads with submarines. The first of these, the Confederate C. Hunley, was a metal tube that was 40 feet long, 4 feet across, essays civil war guns held an 8-man crew.
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