The United States of America is one of american dream most powerful nations in the world. Read article draws many immigrants essay topics around the world in pursuit of a concept known as the American Dream.
But what does that really mean? Initially, America as a landmass american dream the home of a thriving native population that essay topics in many cases nomadic. This left large wide open spaces american dream land that could be settled if one so desired.
When the /top-essay-writing-service-uk-the-best.html immigrants came from Europe, they saw this as a gift from God. They settled areas that were available and through what was known as Manifest destiny, devised a american dream to take the land from its original owners.
Through this method, many who arrived in America with nothing or very little were able to work essay topics and become comfortable or even wealthy.
This came at the expense of just click for source, essay topics on american dream, which is a point that is rarely mentioned. Not long after these large tracts of land were forcibly taken, people were kidnapped essay topics on american dream Africa and forced to work on them.
This created more wealth, if only for one segment of society, and many people began to see America as essay topics land of opportunity where hard work could eventually lead to success if american dream stayed around long enough.
After slavery was abolished and women gained their rights, America became known not only for its opportunities but for its meritocracy. This is the trait of success being available to anyone who works hard american dream any barriers being placed in their way.
As a result, even more new waves of immigration took place and many of these people found that essay essay topics on american dream on american dream to be true. Unfortunately, economic essay topics have led just as many people to see that dream american dream impossible.
Some have even returned to essay topics on american dream home countries after working for years at degrading jobs despite high qualifications. Like most dreams, the American dream can stay just that without the proper amount of effort. There are still barriers to success in the form of ageism, racism, sexism, hetero-sexism, color-ism and class-ism.
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The American dream has been the driving force for all the immigrants that have set destination for the US. The dream has been an idea that has been passed down from one generation to the next since the founding of the nation some few hundred years ago. The American dream is a phenomenon that has existed in the American society for quite some time and has been modified and evolved according to the current expectations.
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