October 3, at The Reformation had an unprecedented effect upon the religiosity of the western world. The most common assessment of this revolution is concerned with the religiosity of the middle to upper classes and the religious elite.
The Reformation can be seen to have religious reformers a revolutionary effect upon the ritual practices and conceptualisation of magic amongst essay laity.
In order to gain an understanding of this statement, it is necessary to explore the ritual and magical practices, at both an official and lay level, in pre-Reformation religion.
Reformers process of change must also be assessed, in relation to the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation. Finally, an assessment of the changes must reformers undertaken, with college admission essays online contractions emphasis of the demonisation of magical practices, which can essay on religious reformers seen to have been a essay on religious reformers cause of the witch hunts.
This approach reformers to explore the religiosity of the masses, rather than the social elite. While this has often been overlooked, its effect upon religious history is deeply profound. The function of the pre-Reformation Church was two-fold; it acted to facilitate human reformers with the divine, whilst providing the rites that recognised the important events essay on religious reformers the human life cycle and the changes of the seasons: Ritual essay on religious reformers as the prime communicator of religiosity in a population that was largely continue reading and theologically ignorant, whilst being reformers pious.
Furthermore, within both official and lay practice, the distinction between magic and religion, the essay on religious reformers and the profane was significantly blurred if not interconnected. Edward Muir notes that the experience of the Eucharist was derived /good-college-essays-about-leadership.html the priest elevating the host above his head, rather than its ingestion, which essay religious infrequently.
The poorly defined distinction between religion and source resulted in a essay range of sub-Christian ritual essay religious amongst the laity. However, it must reformers noted that these practices were primarily those of the masses, rather than the elite classes. Lay religious reformers practice was derived from a concern with the current existence; with acquiring security and protection within this life rather than the afterlife.
For example, a woman who was near full term in pregnancy, would religious reformers taken to the Church with a cymbal attached to essay religious body.
The reformers would essay on religious reformers struck three times in imitation of ringing the Church bell three times, after the safe birth of a child, signalling the requirement to say an Ave Maria in thanks.
This period also saw the proliferation of individuals, particularly old women, who offered cures and charms based essay on religious reformers the sympathetic essay on religious reformers The Reformation and subsequent Catholic Counter-Reformation can be seen to be a turning point in ritual practices and the conceptualisation of magic within the lower to middle classes. The Eucharist, which had previously been considered as the moment in which the divine entered into the profane world, was reduced into a representation visit web page Christ.
Penance, on the other hand was completely disregarded. Furthermore, the Protestant movement openly attacked magical practices amongst the laity.
This was performed through placing a definite distinction between the divine and humanity: This questioned the efficacy of reformers essay on religious reformers that had previously been continue reading upon their ability to facilitate divine power in the world.
That the Reformation acted as /soccer-research-paper-quilling.html must be emphasised: Pius IV reformers V produced missals which sought return official and lay practice to that of the Roman liturgy essay on religious reformers the 11 th century.
In relation to lay ritual practice, the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation had similar goals reformers effects.
Both sought to eliminate the ritual practices that were considered magical or superstitious, in addition to the localised cults: The Reformation denied the just click for source ability to interact with the divine and direct divine power.
This resulted in a solidification of the dualistic worldview that is now inherent in Christianity. essay on religious reformers
Previously, the distinction between the sacred and the profane, magic and religion, was blurred and ambiguous. However, after this period, these concepts became binary opposites. The construction of the witch as a woman who is connected to the devil is also essay on religious reformers in Catholic thought.
A Catholic contemporary advises: Evidently, the Reformation had a profound effect upon the religiosity of the masses. In removing the techniques by which a people reformers as religious agents and sought to control their existence, the Reformation disenfranchised the laity of their religiosity.
Furthermore, the way in which the Reformation placed magic as binarily opposed to Essay religious has prime reformers importance. It can be seen to have been one of the direct essay on religious reformers of the witch hunts.
However, this conceptual understanding of magic can also essay on religious reformers seen to essay inherent in the growth of modern magical and occult movement, which draw their attraction out of their opposition to Christianity. Furthermore, this approach assumes a essay on religious reformers assessment of late medieval religion, while accepting that the people wanted the Religious reformers.
For the examples of the above assessment of the Reformation see Morris, T.
Europe and England in the 16 th Reformers, Routledge, London. Furthermore, there exists growing evidence that the people did not want the Reformation. Thus, many events, such as fertility, birth essay religious the weather were seen to be supernatural in basis. Additionally, the Council of Trent also sought to address discrepancies in lay ritual practice.
Teich, The Reformation in National Context pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. While this occurred largely through reformers attempt to unify Christianity, in forbidding occult source magical practices, the Reformation ensured the essay on religious reformers of magical and occult movements:
The urgent need for social and religious reform that began to manifest itself from the early decades of the 19th century arose in response to the contact with Western culture and education. The weakness and decay of Indian society was evident to educated Indians who started to work systematically for their removal. They were no longer willing to accept the traditions, beliefs and practices of Hindu society simply because they had been observed for centuries.
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