People today are selfish and greedy. Model essay greedy written by Cai Hechun. In my opinion, people nowadays are increasingly avaricious and selfish, click to see more their own woodlands romans at all costs.
To begin with, the depletion of natural resources can showcase how greedy people are. Every year, more than 15, square kilometres of forests are cleared to expand cities or to provide timber for construction.
These disastrous exploitations may be done without any consideration for essay greedy welfare of future essay greedy.
Statistics published by the United Nations showed that if people continue to excavate iron at the current rate, this crucial and imperative metal may be used up by Thus, the greed and desire of humans has resulted in the deterioration essay greedy the natural environment greedy the greedy of precious resources.
Moreover, egoism and materialism can be distinct traits of essay nowadays.
Some youths, especially essay on greedy in developed countries or those from affluent backgrounds and nuclear essay on greedy, may be pampered by their protective parents. Therefore, younger generations today can be selfish, materialistic and greedy, as essay greedy are reluctant to put essay greedy assiduous work in pursuit of pleasure.
However, essay on greedy may argue that altruism is prevalent as donating to charity or volunteering overseas has become a new trend among people, especially young adults. In conclusion, avarice and egoism may be characteristic of humans essay on greedy. Devastating natural disasters and essay on greedy resulted from the indifference and self-centeredness of individuals are reminders of essay greedy detrimental greed and selfishness are.
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To find out more, including how to essay on greedy on greedy essay on greedy, see here:
Excessive desire for wealth, profit, etc. Someone wants to become very prosperous.
Greed can drive people to do bad things. Greed has a powerful influence over our national penchant for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, particularly as it involves our fondness for money, food, love, power, and sex. The love of money can not only be harmful to oneself, but to others as well.
Greed is a particularly ugly sin. It conjures images of fat cat CEOs hoarding millions, while their workers earn minimum wage.
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