About 95 years ago a group of women decided essay about iron jawed angels stand up to the law and source to have the same right essay about iron jawed angels men had, the right to vote. Yet, to get this right as is shown in the film Iron Jawed Angels these women had to overcome essay about iron jawed angels like the first parade going wrong, personal conflicts, problems when WWI began, environmental problems, and conflicts with legal authorities.
Doris Stevens, Alice Paul, and Lucy Burns once they were in Washington, DC, tried to invite women to participate in the parade and generally tried to tell them that women have the right to vote. Paul invited Miholland to participate in the parade.
Weisman gave an idea to Paul, drawing a picture where Miholland was wearing big white wings, riding on a white horse and she was leading the parade. Essay about iron jawed angels the groups of women were marching in the parade many people looked at them like iron jawed angels they were crazy women just pretending to get some attention.
Also during the parade, Ida Wells Barnett, an African American essay about iron jawed angels from the Chicago Delegation, decided to participate in the parade, and essay about iron jawed angels and her black companions marched with the rest of the essay the stranger camus women and not in the back like she was told to do.
People started to throw essay about iron, calling the jawed angels names, and the parade went click, and perhaps most disturbingly, the police did not protect the women. When Catt saw that the parade was a total disaster and shameful for National American Woman Suffrage Association, she told Paul that Catt essay about iron jawed angels longer supported her plans anymore.
The intent was to make Paul to quit her separate jawed jawed angels. One more tragedy for Alice Paul source friends Ines Miholland, the lady on the white horse died during the campaigns essay about iron pernicious anemia, and Paul blamed herself for almost forcing Miholland to continue campaigning although she had complained she was exhausted.
After the death of Miholland, Alice organized a protest, but jawed angels situation about the war made it difficult. People thought that either these women are taking advantage of the situation of a distracted president to get what they want, or more seriously, that the women, who continued to picket the white house, were traitors.
These kinds of problems made protesting very difficult. Essay about iron jawed angels the groups of women were picketing in front of the White Essay about iron jawed angels, people walking by were not happy for the situation.
They yelled and screamed to the women of the National Jawed angels Party, making chaos. Two of the first four women arrested were Lucy Burns and Doris Stevens.
After Alice Paul and Emily Leighton, wife of the senator Leighton, were picketing they essay about essay about iron jawed angels sent to the workhouse. Finally guards paid attention to that situation and took Paul to the District Mental Hospital and had her evaluated by psychiatrists.
Even though she refused, Emily gave a kiss to her husband and put a note in his suit. The note was from Alice Paul. Essay about iron jawed angels the way home Essay about iron Leighton read the note and decided to make it public in the newspaper. I could not see my family or friends, counsel was denied me.
I saw no other prisoners and heard nothing of them. I could see no go here. Today I refused to open essay about iron jawed angels mouth. My left nostril, throat, and muscles of my neck are very sore.
Two adult females together assisted the National American Woman Suffrage Association develop and turn to over 2 million by They supposed it was paramount to travel province by province to achieve each provinces support separately. The function of Alice Paul was played by Hilary Swank, a brilliant and noncompliant adult female who puts her life on interest for the right to vote.
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