Cellular respiration involves the breakdown of organic molecules to produce ATP. A sufficient supply of oxygen is required for the aerobic respiratory machinery of Essay about cellular Cycle and the Electron Transport System to essay about cellular respiration and gas exchange convert stored organic essay about cellular respiration and gas exchange into energy trapped in ATP.
Carbon dioxide is also generated by respiration and gas metabolism and must be removed from exchange cell.
There must be an exchange of gases: Animals have organ systems involved in facilitating this exchange as well as the transport of gases to and from exchange areas.
Single-celled organisms exchange gases directly across their cell membrane.
However, the slow diffusion rate of oxygen relative to carbon dioxide limits the size of single-celled organisms. Simple animals that lack specialized exchange surfaces have flattened, tubular, or thin shaped body plans, which are the most efficient for gas exchange.
However, these simple animals are rather small in size. Large animals cannot maintain gas exchange by diffusion across their outer surface. They developed phd thesis distance education variety of respiratory surfaces that all increase the surface area for exchange, thus allowing for larger essay about cellular respiration and gas exchange. A respiratory surface is covered with thin, moist epithelial cells that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to exchange.
Those essay about cellular respiration and gas exchange can only cross cell membranes when they are dissolved in water or an aqueous solution, thus respiratory surfaces must be read article.
Sponges and jellyfish lack specialized organs for gas exchange and take in gases directly from the surrounding water. Flatworms and annelids essay about cellular respiration and gas exchange their outer surfaces as gas exchange surfaces. Arthropods, annelids, and fish use gills; terrestrial vertebrates utilize internal lungs. Gas exchange systems in several animals.
Images from Purves et al. Earthworms have a series of thin-walled blood vessels known as capillaries.
Gas exchange occurs at capillaries located throughout the body as well as those in the respiratory surface. Amphibians use their skin as a respiratory surface. Frogs eliminate carbon dioxide 2. Constraints of water loss dictate that terrestrial animals must develop more efficient lungs.
Gills greatly increase the surface area for gas exchange. They occur in a variety of animal groups including arthropods including some terrestrial crustaceansannelids, fish, and amphibians. Gills typically are convoluted outgrowths containing blood vessels covered by a thin epithelial layer.
Respiration is the process by which oxygen from the lungs is carried by the blood to the tissues; and carbon dioxide formed in the tissues by metabolic activity is carried by the blood to the lungs and is expired out. Ventilation means the passage of air in and out of lungs during inspiration and expiration respectively.
In order to see how gas exchange occurs we need to look further into the lungs. Firstly we know that air enters the body through the mouth or nose, from here it moves to the pharynx throat , passes through the larynx voice box and enters the trachea. The trachea splits into two branches, the left and right bronchus , each bronchus divides many times into smaller branches called bronchioles.
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