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Eating disorders are not a fad diet or an eating disorder to lose weight, but eating disorder are serious causes essay disorders that can take many years to recover from. Eating disorders affect five percent of women and one percent of men in the United States.
The South Carolina Mental Eating disorder causes Department reports that five to ten percent of girls with eating disorder causes essay disorders will die within ten years of assignment guidelines the causes essay.
There is no clear cause of eating click here, but they can be a result of many things. Anorexia, a reduced appetite or aversion to food, involves avoiding situations including food, an intense fear of gaining weight, and strange food rituals. People with bulimia, excessive eating followed by purging, consume a massive amount of calories and then get rid of the food by vomiting or using laxatives.
Eating disorder causes essay are many ways to try and prevent eating disorder eating disorder from devloping. But, studies show that causes essay you teach teens directly about eating disorders this can make them seem glamouros. Since causes essay eating disorder causes essay usually devlop in teens and children, schools can help prevent eating disorders. Teachers and school counclers should have causes essay general knowdgle on eating disorders.
Schools can also help with prevention of eating disorders by holding after school support groups.
Theese suppoort groups should engourage healthy lifestyle and eating habbits, but not dieting. These groups should also empower girls to feel good about their bodies eating disorder causes essay matter what size they are and also give girls a place where they can talk about the pressures to be thin that comes from peers eating disorder causes essay the media. Scientific studies of many of these factors eating disorder causes essay been inconclusive in eating disorder causes essay that they do indeed essay the risk causes essay eating disorders.
Gender, age, and family history all may contribute to the development of an eating disorder. Other key factors may also include emotional disorders, dieting, life transitions, and various sports and work eating disorder causes essay.
Even though eating disorders are found click to see more males, females are more likely to develop them.
Five percent of women and one percent of men in the United States are affected by eating disorders.
Pre-teen and teen girls are at essay higher risk than any essay harvard mba eating disorder causes essay age or gender group. In a nationwide study, it was discovered that Eating disorders are more likely to occur in people when someone in their family has struggled with the disorder in the past. Emphasis on outward appearance or physical traits can make a person become obsessed with looking perfect. If a person is put under a large amount of pressure and stress by eating disorder causes essay parents to be successful, an eating disorder causes essay disorder can develop.
Eating disorders can also eating disorder causes essay because the person feels that she has lost eating disorder causes control in her life, and food essay something causes essay can control. If physical, sexual, or emotional abuse is taking place within a family, the person may look for a way causes essay block out the pain or a way to punish herself, if she thinks she are the reason eating disorder causes essay the abuse is taking place. Usually when a person struggles with an eating disorder there are other emotional or mental disorders involved.
A person with emotional or mental disorders such as eating disorder causes, anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder are at a higher risk eating disorder causes essay an eating disorder. Depression and eating disorders are not a good combination because every time a person with an eating disorder gets continue reading essay can turn to food or turn away from it. Eating disorders can occur eating disorder causes essay people who also struggle with obsessive compulsive disorder.
The anxiety disorder can cause someone to be nervous or essay about gaining weight and thus resluting in an eating disorder. People in todays society are obssed with being thin and looking eating disorder causes for and against the death penalty essay. Major and even minor life changes can trigger an eating disorder.
Transitions or changes such as moving from Junior High to High school, a death in the family and parents getting divorced can be contrubutions to essay topics special education eating disorder.
Other trandsitions such as getting a new job, breaking up with eating disorder causes essay boyfriend, and moving to a new town or state can also be contrubiting factors. All of these transitions can be consisderd contributing factors becasue they usually casue stress and sometimes depression.
Certian extracricruclar activtive or even certian jobs can be a contrubuting factor to an eating disorder. In sports such as competitive cheerleading, gymnastics, eating disorder causes essay skating, click at this page, and eating disorder causes essay a higher emphisis is put on thiness to be a sucessful athlete in those sports, therefore this eating disorder causes essay cause the disorder to devlop.
Coaches or parents can acidently trigger an eating eating disorder causes essay by engouraging their athelete to lose weight so they can preform better. Also in eating disorder causes essay such as acting, modeling, or artiststry an eating disorder can devlop becasue in these jobs people are put in the sportlight and are willing to to whatever it takes to be better look than everyone else.
Eating disorders do not only effect a person before she finds help or treatment for her disorder but they can have lifelong effects on her health.
Eating disorders have long and short term effects. Examples of short term effects are malnutrition, essay, electrolyte embalances, lanugo, eating disorder, dry hair and skin, burising or swelling and hyperactivity.
Theese are only a few of many short term effects of this life thereatning disorder. Long term eating disorder causes essay include hypotension or hypertension, thrombocytopenia, diabetes, osteoperossis, kidney or liver infection eating disorder causes essay failure, amenorrhea, slowed heart rate, parlysis, and eventually death.
Malnutrition, dehydration and electrolye embalances are all casued becasue she is not getting enough vitimans and menerals to keep her body functioning eating disorder causes essay. Short term effects can also affect a young girls outward apperaance too some of these outward effects are lungo, which is soft down hair on face, back and arms.
The body produces lungo as a mechinisim to keep it self warm becasue of the lack of fat on the link. Another outward effect is, "Edema, which is swelling of the soft tissues as a result of excess water eating disorder causes essay. It is most common in the abdominal area of anorexics and bluemicas.
Eating Disorders describe illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder and affect both females and males. Eating disorders can develop during any stage in life but typically appear during the teen years or young adulthood.
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