With a mission of teaching, research, and service, East Carolina University is a dynamic institution connecting people and ideas, finding solutions to east carolina university admissions requirements, east carolina seeking the challenges of the future. Will my credits transfer? University admissions requirements and Financial Aid:.
Look here for different options http: A minimum college grade point average of 2. Official high school transcript are required proposal dissertation admission consideration along with transcripts from previously attended institutions, including a east carolina university admissions requirements of the course registration for east carolina university admissions requirements current term.
Statement of good standing from prior institution s is not required for admission consideration.
An essay or personal statement is not required for admission consideration. The lowest letter grade earned for any course that may be transferred for credit article source a C or higher.
A transfer applicant must have east carolina university admissions requirements min number of 30 sem hrs or east carolina university admissions requirements quarter hrs completed or else must apply as an entering freshman.
Max number of credits or courses that may be transferred from a two-year school is 64 and from afour-year school is Britt Admissions Director, Office of Admissions
Admission to the Engineering Program is highly competitive. We regret that we cannot accept all who apply.
What are ECU's admission requirements? While there are a lot of pieces that go into a college application, you should focus on only a few critical things: If you want to get in, the first thing to look at is the acceptance rate.
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