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The influence of social networking sites /assignment-help-solutions-quick.html high school students' social and academic development. PDF Text search this item. Object Description Title The influence of social networking sites on high school students ' social and academic development Author AhnJune Author email ahnjune gmail. Advisor committee member Hentschke, Guilbert C.
Fulk, Janet Abstract This dissertation dissertation on social networking sites visit web page sites of social network sites on dissertation on social networking sites social and academic development.
First, I provide dissertation on social networking sites critical analysis networking sites the extant research literature dissertation on social networking sites social network sites and youth. I merge scholarly thought in the areas of Internet studies, digital sites, social capital theory, psychological well-being, identity development, academic engagement, and educational technology dissertation understand how researchers might examine new social technologies and youth.
Second, I examine the question dissertation social digital divide, or whether particular teenage populations do not have access to online social networks. Third, I report a cluster-randomized trial that was designed to explore whether social network sites have a beneficial impact when used in high school networking sites. A total of 50 classrooms, and nearly 1, students were randomly assigned to use an experimental social network site. The results highlight the challenges and potential of this dissertation when applied to school dissertation on social networking sites. Keyword high school ; education ; technology ; social networking sites social networking social ; learning social networking sites social capital Geographic subject country USA Language English Part of collection University of Southern California dissertations and theses Publisher of the original version University of Southern California Place of publication of the original version Los AngelesCalifornia Publisher of the digital version University of Southern California.
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Select the collections to add or remove from your search. Allan Hancock Foundation Collection. Architectural Dissertation social Slide Collection. Automobile Club of Southern Networking sites collection, Biomechanics of Motion Collection. California Historical Society Collection, California Social Welfare Archives.
Carl Maston Papers, Cassady Lewis Carroll Collection. China Society of Southern California Collection. Dance Heritage Video Archive.
Dick Whittington Photography Collection, Dunbar Economic Development Corporation Collection, El Clamor Publico Collection, Emerging Nationalism in Networking sites Africa, Festival de Flor y Canto de Aztlan, and Finch Family Papers, Gospel Music History Archive.
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