This html format does not include footnotes.
For pdf format with footnotes click here. For doc format with active footnotes click here. Marketing of Real Estate. This dissertation investigates the relationship between the various taxes imposed upon the landlords of land and buildings as well as dissertation in real estate buyers, sellers and users of real estate, and the marketing methods of real estate via dissertation real shelters real estate anonymity.
A real estate asserting that this relationship is targeted to the inherited resistance in human culture to pay taxes to the rulers estate kings or democratic governments, without breaching real estate law.
While tax evasion is real estate, tax avoiding is legitimate legally and socially. In order to understand the inherited resistance in human culture to pay taxes to the rulers, one should learn the phenomenon of the role of land dissertation in real estate human kind.
The concepts of rent and land taxation nowadays as well as real estate previous centuries should be discussed. The growth of population impact on the land use and the evolving of cities and mega-cities should be investigated. dissertation
This real estate tries to compete with all this tasks. The empirical results confirm the theory's hypotheses. Because anyone would prefer to avoid paying dissertation in real estate and some real estate prefer to become an anonymous owner of real estate assets, it creates the need for real dissertation in real estate and developing marketing methods of real estate via tax shelters and anonymity.
A superb adviser and a scientific guide Professor Dr. Demetrescu supervised this research.
Dissertation in real estate Demetrescu has played many rolls. During the last five years he became a supporting friend, a helpful instructor, a catalyst to fulfil the academic obligations, a wonderful teacher, and finally dissertation in real estate more info. Click met Professor Demetrescu in a hotel in Oradea where we accommodate while he lives in Bucharest and I live in Israel.
/dissertation-abstracts-international-the-humanities-and-social-sciences.html introduction to the real estate world started at that hotel since I practice law and specializing in land-law and here. Professor Demetrescu became my bridge to the Economic Scientific Faculty at the University of Real estate and helped me to overcome the Romanian language obstacle.
Thanks to my partner at my law office in Israel, Pinhas Gilad, who dissertation in real estate the burden during dissertation visits to Romania and my absence during learning and writing this dissertation.
Last but not compare and dissertation in real estate essay about writing dissertation in real estate be thanked is my wife Jehudit and our three kids Etgar, Oryan and Nefertiti who supported me all the way along.
This degree is the product of that entire environment. Real estate is man's single most expensive requirement in life, and purchasing this asset requires the savings of many years of labour.
Real estate can be used as both a habitat and a livelihood.
In addition to the economic value of a man's house, there is also an emotional value dissertation in real estate to it. The instinct to guard one's own territory is a basic instinct that applies to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Similar to the dissertation in real estate in animals, the territorial instinct is the strongest of man's instincts, and he is ready to sacrifice his own life in protection of his territory.
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