Are you interested in CS Company Secretary course? If yes, this article will be of help to you. If you are a Online paid assignment gps candidate looking registration fees make the first step towards CS professional papers, executive cs professional papers registration fees will be of cs professional papers registration fees to you!
Before heading to the meat of the matter — CS Executive programme — let us check out some basic details about the whole CS program.
Here we go —. You must qualify professional stage exams and complete 15 months management training in order to become an ACS Associate Company Secretary.
Before you may reach professional stage, you cs professional papers registration fees complete executive programme! In the following sections, we will check out details such as eligibility criteria, registration and admission process, syllabus, fees, exam details and important dates. Admission cs professional papers registration fees CS course is open cs professional papers registration fees the year. Examinations and held twice a year in June and December.
Executive programme consists of 7 papers divided into 2 modules. Module-1 consists of 4 papers and Module-2 consists of 3 papers.
Best careers in India. The last date for submission of exam application form is —. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.
Notify me of new posts by email. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Rajeshwari May 12, I hv completed source group one wt is registration fee for cs executive.
Arun Kallarackal May 13,
The candidates need to first register with the Board of Studies to apply for the examination, then the candidates fill the application form of the examination to appear for it. Also, the aspirants will have to upload scanned images of their passport size photograph, signature etc as per the specifications. Hence, while seeking the details, the candidates should ensure that they are looking for it in the correct sections.
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Education and Career Forum. What is the fee structure of CS registration? How much money should we spend for CA course?
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