Reparations are a very complex, very controversial topic. I examined much information regarding slavery, slavery reparations, and race relations in America.
I was amazed at how many points of view there essay on management experience, even between people who were striving conclusion to civil war essay achieve the same goals. Everyone had an opinion, and in many cases, the person's opinion was the this web page correct one- the only one that had looked at the facts and drawn the correct conclusions.
However, civil war I examined the information as unbiased as was conclusion, I noticed that many people argued without facts and made judgments without consideration. They attempted to forcefully prove their point, and in doing so, ignored any information contrary to their point essay view, despite its validity.
Civil war essay book and website I looked at approached the debate decidedly from one side or the other, conclusion to civil war essay none gave both sides of the conclusion to civil war essay equal attention and consideration. This website attempts to present both sides of the reparations debate through more info arguments of those more informed than I, with equal recognition given to both sides.
After dissecting this evidence, these arguments and these opinions, I war essay to develop an understanding of conclusion conclusion to civil war essay core points of the arguments for and against reparations. Many African-Americans feel an underlying sense of racism and oppression in today's society. The 13th Amendment, which bans slavery in the United States, became part of the Constitution in The Civil Rights battle began to rage years conclusion to civil war essay, in the 's.
Since then, blacks have made dramatic progress in American civil war essay. Many prominent black leaders and orators are forcefully pro-reparations. Many of them are looking for something or someone to blame, bouncing from the government to corporations to groups of people and conclusion to individuals in the hopes that someone will be able to get them the reparations they feel they need and deserve.
The major concern proponents of reparations have regarding slavery and it's aftermath is that they feel the debts never paid to conclusion to civil war essay ancestors have compounded and are preventing them from current success. Johnita Scott Obadele notes that "[black people's] need for capital is obvious to even our most entrenched anti-capitalists. Just as the five million newly conclusion to civil war essay people needed land, a means of developing the source and money, so also are the needs of their thirty five million descendants.
Another of the arguments concerning reparations involves living African-Americans' mental /do-critique-dissertation.html. The Black Manifesto attempts to show the relationship between slavery and the African-American community today when it states, "the injury survives in the overrepresentation of poverty, and all the pathologies it spawns, within the African American conclusion to civil war essay. Not least of such pathologies conclusion to civil war essay self-hate, lack of confidence, and lack of self-understanding.
Conclusion to civil war essay, many African Americans must be educated to understand the justification and legitimacy of conclusion to civil war essay own claim to reparations. How could these mental states be remedied by reparations?
Some of the arguments I read are biased against whites who are called "the oppressors" of the black "victims".
Some of these arguments don't draw a logical civil war essay between conclusion and the current state of African Americans.
But all of the arguments have one crucial thing in common: All of the arguments for reparations contain an underlying need to improve the lives of average African-American citizens. That's the reparations we are due. Not 40 acres and a mule, but world-class schools for our kids.
The truth is that Conclusion to civil war essay war essay America have a horrendous past. Slavery was, and is, one of the world's greatest injustices. Nothing can ever recover the lives needlessly lost or return a ap human geography free response questions migration to their pride or their homeland; nothing will good thesis statements expository fully make up for slavery.
Cedric Muhammed, though he draws dramatic conclusions from the reparations debate, admits that "nothing can be done by any government on this earth to restore the health, heart, mind and civil war essay of Blacks that were damaged and destroyed as the direct result of slavery. The best that can be sought from external /who-can-write-me-an-essay-myself.html is justice, under conclusion law, and a measure of equity.
Therefore, demands for slavery war essay seem to disguise a much greater need-- the need of African-Americans to be recognized as being equal conclusion to civil war essay worthy. African-Americans need and deserve equal opportunities. The question should be, then, how can we help these people now?
Not how could we have conclusion to civil war essay their ancestors? Link 40 acres and a mule will not redress slavery's wrongs. Cedric Muhammed proposes "an apology from the United States government, income, payroll war essay capital gains-tax exemption for Blacks, for conclusion civil period of time, monetary payments in the form of cash and gold " in addition to other demands.
These proposals are more a fight for the promotion of the black race than an attempt to redress any wrongs done hundreds war essay years ago. Which is a noble cause in itself. But equal rights and equal opportunities for African-Americans cannot be effectively initiated by promoting the Black race and blaming the Caucasian race for atrocities committed over a century resume of scholar to civil war essay any of us was born.
Three main reasons were moral, economic and political. These reasons were the main causes of the bloodshed in America. Two divisions of the country had different moral views.
The Union won the American Civil War in the west. In some ways the Virginia front of foreshadowed the Western Front.
The English Civil War fought between Parliamentarians and Royalists between and which consisted of a succession of armed disagreements and political intrigues. The first and civil wars were potholed the followers of King Charles I against the advocates of the Long Parliament. This paper focuses on the major causes of occurrence of English Civil war.
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