The table below provides information about AP credit Purdue accepts and the scores necessary to earn credit.
Course numbers listed as "1XXXX" transfer link undistributed credit, which means Purdue does not have an equivalent course. Such credit appears on a Purdue student record as credit hours within the respective subject area. You should consult with your Purdue academic advisor to determine how undistributed credit may be used to best meet curriculum requirements within your area college board application essays ap language study. For descriptions and credit hours for read more specific Purdue courses listed in the table below, use Purdue's searchable catalog.
You will receive undistributed ECON credit 1XXXX if you take just one of these exams, earning a score of 3 or better, or take college board application essays ap language and receive a 3 on one. The information above is effective for students who first enroll at Purdue West Lafayette after Essays language 1, AP transfer credit college board application essays ap language are subject to change without notice.
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Trouble with this page? Show All Hide All. Chinese language /gate-architecture-paper-xe.html culture.
Computer science A college board application essays ap language AB. English language and composition. English literature and composition.
Japanese language and culture.
The AP English Language course is designed to develop critical literacy and facilitate informed citizenship in students. To that end, students examine and discuss non-fiction works of various types and themes, summarizing who is being addressed, what is being said, how the idea is being presented and why it is being said.
The College Board offers national examinations that allow students to qualify for advanced placement or academic credit at many colleges and universities. These exams are administered each May.
They separated in AP English Language and Composition is a course in the study of rhetoric taken in high school.
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