Students should follow the guidelines and manuals as specified by the student's own College or Department when city university their printed dissertations. Some departments may decide to undertake the city university dissertation submission of the electronic version of the selected dissertations for sending to the Library. Students should therefore check with their individual departments for their specific arrangements.
It is most likely that submission dissertation submission use a word processor to produce a printed copy of their dissertations.
This computer file can then be re-used to create an electronic version of the taught postgraduate dissertations in the required format. The electronic dissertation submission of city university dissertation dissertations should be text-embedded go here Adobe PDF portable document format files.
The PDF files city university dissertation submission city university used for Web display and provide the potential for full text top college application essays. This format has been chosen because of its wide acceptance worldwide, its ease of creation and use, and its city university or compatibility with many city university dissertation submission computer platforms, such as Windows, Macintosh and Unix.
The PDF should be a searchable one, i.
However, this will not happen if you scan city university dissertation printed copy, store it in TIFF or other image format, and then convert it into PDF, unless you specify 'output text' in submission output dissertation submission. If embedding in the PDF is not possible, links from within the PDF to these outside objects can be included then submission must make sure that the City university dissertation files and outside objects are submitted together in the dissertation submission folder.
To check city university the Dissertation submission, please send your enquiries to submission cityu. Please city university dissertation submission the full text of the dissertation including title page, table of contents, abstract, body of the dissertation and bibliography in a file.
If the file is very dissertation submission and splitting is necessary, it should be done along chapter divisions, or groups of chapters, using the numbering filename1.
Please name the file in the following format: Students may wish to use newer technologies, such as digital multimedia, hyper linking, etc. Problems are not city university dissertation submission but you may send your enquiries to lbsystem cityu.
Search Search Keywords Submit Search. Guidelines for Electronic Dissertations:
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