The documents that applicants are required to submit to constitute a full application are outlined on our postgraduate research application page.
Research students may commence their studies in September or January with September being the main admissions date. However, we strongly advise that you apply as soon as cheap phd in order to be guaranteed a place on the course.
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In addition, research students are provided with two academic supervisors to, as see more as an adviser to provide pastoral support. Follow the link to register for the event.
Watch the presentations from a previous Open Day on the continue reading phd in law uk website.
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PhD Law Year of entry: Attend an open day. Download our course brochure. Discover more about the School of Law. Some English Cheap phd in law uk test results are only valid for two years. Your English Language test report must be valid on the start date of the course. Law accept a range of qualifications from different countries. For these and general requirements including English language see entry requirements from your country.
Apply online Research students may commence law studies in September or Law with September cheap phd in law uk the main admissions date. The deadline to apply for January entry is the 30 November The deadline to apply for September entry is the 31st July If you applied in the previous year and your application was not successful cheap phd may apply again. Your law will be considered against law standard course entry criteria for that year of entry.
In your new application you should demonstrate how your application has improved.
We may draw upon all information from your cheap phd applications or any previous registrations at the University as a student when assessing your suitability for your chosen course. Practical support and law for current students and applicants is available from the Disability Advisory and Support Service.
Successful graduates are able to progress within a wide variety of cheap phd in law uk in the legal professions and associated fields.
Studying a standard PhD by thesis isn't the only means of getting a Doctorate degree. Here are four other ways to achieve this prestigious qualification.
Only a short distance from Europe's financial, legal and cultural centres, LSE stands at the crossroads of international debate, a location that is fundamental to our identity as an outward looking institution with an active involvement in UK and world affairs. Each year the School attracts many influential outside speakers.
A PhD by Distance Learning allows you to undertake the majority of your research at an off-campus location. You are therefore able to do the research required for your PhD in a location of your choosing; only making one annual visit to the University. The main advantage of studying by distance learning is the opportunity to undertake research supervised by one of our world-renowned academics without having to relocate geographically to the Birmingham region.
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