The immediate explanation that women often give for seeking induced abortion is that the pregnancy was unplanned or unwanted.
However, the myriad social, economic and health circumstances that underlie such cause and effect paper on abortion have not yet been fully explored. Findings from 32 studies in 27 countries were used to examine the reasons that women give for having an abortion, regional patterns in these reasons and the relationship between such reasons and women's social and demographic characteristics.
The data come from a range of this web page, including nationally representative surveys, official government statistics, community-based studies and hospital- or clinic-based research.
Worldwide, the most commonly reported reason women cite for having an abortion is to postpone or stop childbearing. The second most common reason—socioeconomic concerns—includes disruption of education or employment; lack of support from the father; desire to cause and effect cause and effect paper on abortion on abortion schooling for existing read more and poverty, unemployment cause and effect paper on abortion inability to afford additional children.
In addition, relationship problems with cause and effect paper on abortion husband or partner and a woman's perception that she is too young constitute other important categories of reasons.
Women's characteristics cause and effect associated with their reasons for having an abortion: With few exceptions, older women and married women are the most likely to identify limiting childbearing as their main reason for abortion.
Reasons women give for why they seek abortion are often far more complex than simply not intending to become pregnant; the decision to have an abortion is usually motivated by more cause and effect paper on abortion one factor. While improved contraceptive use can help continue reading read article pregnancy and abortion, some abortions will remain difficult to prevent, because of paper abortion to women's ability to determine and control all circumstances of their lives.
Although abortion occurs in every society, and a substantial proportion of pregnancies are resolved by abortion worldwide, there is little empirical research on why women obtain cause and effect paper on abortion.
This lack of information is part of an overall scarcity of data on abortion. Legal, moral and ethical issues surrounding abortion make research on all aspects of abortion difficult to undertake, and also affect the quality cause and effect paper on abortion the information obtained.
Collecting good information on reasons paper abortion abortion may be especially difficult, because it requires asking women to articulate the often complex and sensitive process that led to the decision. Some might argue that we already know why a woman obtains an abortion—she does not want the cause and effect paper on abortion that we need look no further.
However, while at one level cause and effect paper on abortion all abortions result from unintended pregnancies, there can be many steps cause and effect paper on abortion acknowledging an unplanned pregnancy and having an abortion. Moreover, many women who have an unintended pregnancy either do not seriously consider having an abortion or do not consider it at all.
Some will simply adjust to the pregnancy; for others, an initial desire to discontinue cause and effect pregnancy can change because they were either ambivalent themselves or because they acceded to the preferences of others. On the other hand, conditions that were either unknown or were less serious before conception may also change, so that a pregnancy wanted at the time of conception is paper abortion longer wanted later on.
In addition, not all essay writing service american writers who decide to seek an abortion will succeed in obtaining one. They may face personal and social barriers such as their husband's objections or community values that oppose abortion.
In countries where safe abortion services are scarce, only affluent women who can afford the fees of a private doctor will obtain an abortion, along with cause and effect paper on abortion women who are so determined they are willing to risk their health and life in seeking out unsafe clandestine services. Even though the planning status of a cause and effect paper on abortion does not tell us the full reason why women choose abortion, understanding the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy and its proximate cause—nonuse of contraceptives cause and effect paper on abortion contraceptive failure—is essential for understanding the context within which women seek abortion.
Evidence abounds that a high proportion /pay-someone-to-write-your-research-paper-you.html women become pregnant unintentionally, in both developed and developing countries. In the United States and in some Eastern European countries for which cause and effect paper on abortion are available, about one-half to three-fifths of all pregnancies are unintended, and /negative-peer-pressure-essay.html large proportion of these are paper abortion through abortion.
This level of unintended pregnancy for developing countries would be even higher if more accurate abortion information were available, since most abortions represent, by definition, unintended pregnancies. While unintendedness is clearly a first level of explanation, for many women it cause and effect paper on abortion cause and effect paper on abortion wide range of more specific underlying factors. In this article, we first discuss women's intentions to postpone or prevent pregnancy, and whether they support these intentions by practicing contraception.
Cause and effect paper on abortion contextual information is based on data from nationally representative surveys for 52 countries. We then explore the reasons women give for why they obtained an abortion, using the limited information available from a review of published findings of 32 studies conducted in 27 countries, as well as original analyses of survey data from three of these countries the Czech Cause and effect paper on abortion, Turkey and the United States.
Within the limitations of the available data, we assess whether women's reasons for seeking abortion vary by region.
Finally, we examine how these reasons are related to the characteristics of different types media essay who obtain abortions, since despite the intuitive abortion of a strong association between women's characteristics and their reasons for abortion, few studies have investigated this relationship.
Forty-nine of 52 fertility surveys that provide background data are from the paper abortion of Demographic and Health Surveys DHS conducted by Macro International in collaboration with individual national governments.
These surveys are nationally representative and include all women of reproductive age ages in most countriesexcept in Asia and in Paper Africa and the Middle East, where only ever-married women were interviewed.
The exceptions are Morocco and the Philippines, where all here, regardless of marital status, were interviewed. In addition, we examine comparable fertility intentions data from three developed countries—the Czech Republic, Japan and cause and effect paper on abortion United States. Cause and effect second, and more important, source for our analysis is existing research on reasons why women obtain abortions.
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