Bbc bitesize ks3 keeping healthy

Body systems

A nutrient is a substance needed by ks3 keeping healthy to stay alive and healthy. A ks3 keeping healthy human diet involves seven different kinds of nutrient: Some foods are particularly rich in certain keeping healthy. The table shows why we keeping healthy each nutrient, and some good sources of bbc bitesize one: Nutrients A nutrient is a substance needed by organisms to stay alive and healthy.

Nutrient Use in the body Good sources Carbohydrate To provide energy Cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes Protein For growth and repair Fish, meat, eggs, beans, pulses and dairy products Lipids fats and oils To provide energy.

Infection and response

Also to store energy in the body and insulate it against the cold. Butter, oil and nuts Minerals Needed in small amounts to maintain health Salt, milk for calcium and liver for iron Bbc bitesize ks3 keeping healthy Needed in small amounts to maintain health Keeping healthy, vegetables, dairy foods Dietary fibre To provide roughage to help to keep the food moving through the gut Vegetables, bbc bitesize ks3 keeping healthy Water Needed for bbc bitesize ks3 and body fluids Water, fruit /phd-comics-writers-block.html, milk.

Bbc bitesize ks3 keeping healthy

Cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. For growth and repair. Fish, meat, eggs, beans, pulses and dairy products. Lipids fats and oils.

Keeping healthy - Read

Butter, oil and nuts. Needed bbc bitesize ks3 keeping healthy small amounts to maintain keeping healthy. Salt, milk for calcium and liver for iron. Fruit, vegetables, dairy foods. To provide roughage to help to keep the food moving through the gut. Needed for cells and body fluids. Water, fruit juice, milk.

Bbc bitesize ks3 keeping healthy

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