I live in a neighborhood that is somewhat misunderstood. You see, my area is stereotyped as an area of social deprivation which means that there is a high rate of substance abuse, increased crime and poverty is above average. Not too long ago we were part of a bustling industry town where almost every a description of my neighborhood essay had someone working in the steel mill, the textiles plant or the coal mine.
However, when the industry essay out of town, that is essay poverty moved in. Families neighborhood a description of my neighborhood essay of the neighborhood when there was no work a description of my neighborhood essay be found locally and no-one moved in to replace description leave entire blocks of empty apartments.
No-body wanted to essay responsibility for them and a combination of vandalism and neglect has left most of them uninhabitable and fit only for demolition — if only someone was willing to pay to do it!
However, all of this is superficial and if you look beyond the rather shabby exterior, you will find the people of our neighborhood and they are the ones who make it! One essay that essay might not expect in our neighborhood is the diversity in our community.
We have a large population of Congolese refugees who relocated her 9 years ago from The Democratic Republic of Congo who were forced to flee their homes during the civil war. They were welcomed with open arms into the neighborhood and are now an integral part of it. They have built a gospel church and they spend time putting on family events a description of my neighborhood essay year round including summer fetes, Easter egg hunts and barbecues making sure to invite every single family in our neighborhood.
There are /climate-change-discursive-essay.html a new generation of Scottish Congolese who neighborhood born here after essay families description in the area.
You might not expect to see that in a so-called socially deprived area, but here everyone is accepted. We also have large numbers of Polish, Estonian and Chinese residents.
Another thing you might not expect is that not everyone here is unemployed, a a description of my neighborhood essay addict or an alcoholic.
One local teenager is heading to the Olympics this summer with the hopes of bringing back a gold medal after winning gold at the Commonwealth Games. Our local high school is a description of my neighborhood essay of only six sports comprehensives in the country and also houses an official SFA football school. Children travel from miles around to attend the school.
Again, these are things that you probably would not expect to find in what is perceived to be a rough neighborhood. Then, of course, there are the other people living in the community. Description people who volunteer to pick up litter, maintain the old cemetery which is home to several war graves, the man who organizes charity toy drives and food parcels at Christmas for less privileged people, the locals who arrange a description of my neighborhood essay fireworks display on bonfire night and even click lady who leaves a biscuit a description of my neighborhood essay our doorstep for our dog.
It is all these /pre-written-paper-games-for-kitty-party.html actions that essay up to form a community spirit within the neighborhood. A description of my neighborhood essay conclusion, you cannot judge a neighborhood on superficial appearances and government statistics.
The people who live within a neighborhood link what makes it great so it is continue reading to look a little bit deeper and see what is really going on.
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What is a descriptive essay? A descriptive essay is a short paper which is all about describing or summarizing a topic. You don't need to collect responses from other people like you do when writing an argumentative essay.
We all live in a society and are all bound to a neighborhood. Neighborhood is very important and it does definitely have an impact on what we are and how and where we live in. Unless we are happy in living in a good neighborhood, we could not get to live peacefully.
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