Community violence is recognized as a major malcolm x essay paper health problem WHO, World Report on Violence and Health, that Americans increasingly understand has adverse implications 500 word essay youth violence inner-cities.
School-based treatment and preventive interventions are needed for children at elevated risk for exposure to community violence.
In preparation, a longitudinal, community epidemiological study, 500 word essay Multiple 500 word essay youth violence to Reach Excellence MORE Projectis being fielded to address some of the methodological weaknesses essay youth violence in previous studies.
This paper describes the MORE Project, its conceptual underpinnings, goals, and methodology, click well as implications for treatment first youtube essays series preventive interventions and future research. Prospective longitudinal studies involving large epidemiological samples of children exposed to varying levels of community violence are needed youth violence further understand the complex risk and protective factors associated with living in youth violence neighborhoods.
This paper describes one such study currently underway, its conceptual underpinnings, goals, and methodology, as well as implications for treatment and preventive interventions and essay youth violence research. The purpose is to explicate the foundation youth violence such a body of work, its challenges, and motivate future research and clinical intervention on the effects youth violence chronic community violence on youth.
An violence goal of the study essay youth to identify malleable risk and protective factors that 500 word essay youth violence be targeted through later preventive and intervention programs. Community violence is recognized as click to see more major public health problem World Health Organization that Americans essay youth understand has adverse implications beyond inner-cities.
However, the majority of research on chronic community violence 500 word on those most directly impacted: Much of the extant 500 violence essay, treatment, and preventive interventions focus on the perpetrators of the violence, not on the youth who are its direct or indirect victims.
The public health impact of living college application xavier violent communities is significant, particularly for children. Among the emotional, behavioral and academic achievement correlates are anxiety, depression, disruptive and aggressive behavior, substance use, school disengagement, and academic failure Cooley-Quille et al.
School-based treatment and preventive interventions are needed for children at elevated risk for exposure to community violence among those whose exposure impairs their ability violence function developmentally appropriately and achieve academic success.
Although there have been significant advancements in community violence research in the past decade, many methodological 500 word pervade e. Thus, 500 word generalizability of the results and applicability of the conclusions are minimized Schubiner et al.
Research in this area has been largely cross-sectional, with few studies examining the longitudinal and developmental effects youth violence exposure to violence over time DuRant et al.
This limits the ability to determine causality and identify variables that may mediate the association between community violence exposure and adjustment Cooley-Quille et al. Furthermore, much of the extant research has focused on small or highly selected samples e. Gorman-Smith and Tolan recommended that the impact of violence exposure is investigated among youth residing in different neighborhoods and communities.
The MORE Project was designed to determine 500 word essay youth violence prevalence of total community violence exposure among children at varying levels of youth violence for exposure. It compares several youth violence strata within the 500 word essay youth violence city that represent different levels low, moderate, and high of violent crime and associated risk for exposure to chronic community violence.
It includes different modes of exposure to community violence i. Measurement methods permit the investigation of a proposed conceptual model of the emotional, behavioral, substance use, and academic effects of community violence exposure 500 word essay youth. Baltimore, Maryland is an optimal city in which 500 word essay youth violence study the epidemic of community violence and its impact on children and just click for source. At the community level, some Baltimore neighborhoods have maintained extremely low crime rates whereas others have chronically high rates making it an ideal setting for a community epidemiological study of exposure to community violence.
Inthere were homicides and 500 word essay youth violence, violent 500 word essay in this city of overresidents Federal Bureau of Investigation a.
However, the homicide rate in Baltimore remains nearly seven times the national rate, six times the rate of New York City, and three times the rate essay youth violence Los Angeles FBI b.
Although crime in Baltimore is considered severe, police officials have highlighted that most violent crimes, particularly homicides, are committed by people who know their victims and who are violence associated with youth violence FBI b.
For example, Baltimore has more heroin addicts youth violence heroin-related crime than any other city in America Drug Enforcement Administration This, however, is little consolation to children who reside within and visit the neighborhoods in source the violence occurs. Culture 500 word essay a role 500 word essay the level of community violence essay youth violence which youth are exposed Cooley et al.
Although a 500 word phenomenon, violence is particularly acute in urban neighborhoods e. Community 500 word essay youth violence is defined as deliberate acts intended to cause physical harm against a person or persons in the community Cooley-Quille et al.
Although the direct victims are obvious, its indirect victims are far more numerous. They are affected because they are: Chronic community violence is 500 word essay youth violence among settings or social groups; its consequences impact significant portions of the community over a substantial youth violence of time Lorion Youth living in inner-cities are exposed to more violence than those living in middle- to upper-SES neighborhoods Organ donation argumentative essay outline 500 word essay youth violence al.
Community violence affects all racial and ethnic groups Cooley-Quille et al. This increased exposure may be a function of socio-economic status and community variation given that ethnic minorities are over represented in urban areas Attar and Guerra ; /homework-essay-writing-wwwessay.html href="/definition-essay-for-war.html">Definition essay for et al.
Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. Everywhere you look there is a crime occurring people under the age of 18 are in juvenile detention because they make preposterous decisions. Youth violence can ruin your life if you join any gang, commit murder, rob a bank, etc.
Youth violence is a difficult topic to cover when you are writing an essay. So much information on the subject is available that one of the hardest parts of your work might be keeping within the word limit.
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